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CD815 series one two-pole one three-pole socket 10A


  • Delixi Electric (Puyang) Co., Ltd.

  • Asia-China-henan

  • QSE86ZS

  • 1 unit of CD815 series one two-pole one three-pole socket 10A with model number QSE86ZS

CD815 series one two-pole one three-pole socket 10A

Carbon Footprint Message

System Boundary: Cradle to Gate

Reporting Period: 2022-01-01 ~ 2022-12-31

Total emission: 0.4900 kgCO₂e

Conclusion: After verification, Ti Certification issues this certificate based on relevant verification procedures to attest to the authenticity and validity of the disclosed information. Carbon footprint per functional unit of the product: 0.49 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent.

Certification File

Product Carbon Footprint Verification

  • Ti Group

  • TIPCF202308057

  • 2023-08-05

Ti Group logo

CEW Consortium Blockchain

  • 2023-12-15

  • 3365036

  • 0xc320a541cd571c3963231c8c415c949388b5441ec2f07f2912521935b598cd4b

  • 0x84587a64d232eeb60dd73bfecda02a1c88fd5f486906b1b2292b12dafc3aefac

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