National Development and Reform Commission: "Action Plan for Green, Low-Carbon and High-Quality Development of Boilers" answers reporters' questions

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On December 19th, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), in conjunction with the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the National Energy Administration, and other five departments, issued the "Action Plan for the Green, Low-Carbon, and High-Quality Development of Boilers."

In order to comprehensively implement the spirit of the 19th Party Congress, promote the renewal and transformation of key products and equipment in key areas, and accelerate the green, low-carbon, and high-quality development of boilers, the NDRC, together with the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the National Energy Administration, and other departments, recently released the "Action Plan for the Green, Low-Carbon, and High-Quality Development of Boilers" (NDRC Environment Resources [2023] No. 1638, hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"). Relevant officials from the National Development and Reform Commission accepted interviews and answered questions from reporters.

Question: What is the background of the issuance of the "Action Plan"?

Answer: Boilers are essential energy conversion equipment widely used in industries such as power generation, heating, petrochemicals, chemicals, steel, non-ferrous metals, etc. Currently, various types of boilers in China consume about 2 billion tons of standard coal annually, accounting for approximately 40% of the country's total carbon emissions. Boilers are the largest energy-consuming devices with the highest carbon emissions in China. In recent years, by optimizing the coal-electricity structure and promoting the comprehensive improvement of energy-saving and environmental protection of coal-fired industrial boilers, China's boiler manufacturing technology and the level of energy-saving and environmental protection have significantly improved. However, overall, there are still issues such as low energy utilization efficiency, low control levels of carbon emissions and pollutants in some boilers, and great potential for energy-saving, carbon reduction, and pollution control in boiler transformations.

In February 2023, the National Development and Reform Commission, in conjunction with relevant departments, issued the "Guiding Opinions on Coordinating Energy Saving, Carbon Reduction, and Recycling, Accelerating the Renewal and Transformation of Key Products and Equipment" (NDRC Environment Resources [2023] No. 178, hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Opinions"). It deployed the renewal and transformation of boilers, motors, power transformers, refrigeration, lighting, home appliances, and other equipment. To further implement the requirements of the "Guiding Opinions," strengthen the comprehensive management of the entire chain of boiler production, construction, operation, and recycling, the NDRC, together with the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the National Energy Administration, and other departments formulated the "Action Plan" to further promote the green, low-carbon, and high-quality development of boilers.

Question: What principles and main goals does the "Action Plan" specify?

Answer: The "Action Plan" emphasizes four principles of putting safety first, coordinating and coordinating, being green and low-carbon, and facilitating circularity, innovative drive, and intelligent efficiency, with government guidance and market leadership.

The "Action Plan" sets out two-stage goals for 2025 and 2030 in terms of energy efficiency improvement, pollution prevention and control, renewal and transformation, and recycling. By 2025, the average thermal efficiency of industrial boilers and power plant boilers will increase by 5 percentage points and 0.5 percentage points, respectively, compared to 2021. Coal-fired power plant boilers will achieve ultra-low emissions comprehensively, and the elimination of small coal-fired boilers will make positive progress. The standardized disposal and recycling level of old boilers will be effectively improved. By 2030, the thermal efficiency of industrial boiler products will increase by 3 percentage points compared to 2021, and the average operating thermal efficiency will be further improved. The lowest stable combustion load of newly-built large-scale power plant boilers will meet the minimum technical output requirements of power plant units. Positive progress will be made in energy-saving, carbon reduction, and flexibility transformation of existing coal-fired power plant boilers, and the level of boiler pollution control will be comprehensively improved.

Question: What key tasks are deployed in the "Action Plan"?

Answer: The "Action Plan" deploys 12 key tasks around four aspects: accelerating the green and low-carbon transformation of newly-built boilers, actively carrying out the renewal and transformation of existing boilers, continuously improving the operational management level of boilers, and perfecting the support and guarantee system for the green and low-carbon development of boilers.

In terms of the green and low-carbon transformation of newly-built boilers, the first task is to optimize boiler design and manufacturing. Boiler manufacturing enterprises are encouraged to optimize boiler design, strengthen product feedback, and enhance their own green and low-carbon development. The second task is to improve the standards for newly-built boilers. Requirements for energy saving, carbon reduction, and pollution control will be proposed for newly-built boilers based on different fuels, uses, and regions. The third task is to promote the application of green and low-carbon boilers according to local conditions. Encourage regions and relevant enterprises to make full use of local energy resources, such as renewable energy, industrial waste heat, agricultural and forestry waste, and promote the application of green and low-carbon boilers based on local conditions.

In terms of the renewal and transformation of existing boilers, the first task is to gradually eliminate inefficient and outdated boilers. On the premise of ensuring energy supply and safety, orderly promote the phased elimination of small power plant boilers and outdated inefficient industrial boilers. The second task is to coordinate the energy-saving, carbon reduction, and pollution control transformation. Coordinate the transformation of power plant boilers, industrial boilers, and other energy-saving, carbon reduction, and pollution control. Explore the transformation of large coal-fired power plant boilers with biomass co-firing technology, co-disposal of large quantities of single-category solid waste, and actively implement low-nitrogen transformation of gas boilers. The third task is to standardize the recycling of old boilers. Promote the renewal and transformation of boilers and recycling in a coordinated manner, implement standardized regulations, strengthen information management, and improve the recycling and processing capacity of old boilers and recycled resources.

In terms of boiler operation and management, the first task is to promote intelligent operation and management of boilers. Encourage enterprises with conditions to build data monitoring and information service platforms based on the characteristics of boiler equipment operation. The second task is to strengthen the construction of professional service capabilities. Encourage boiler manufacturing enterprises to expand the supply of high-quality boiler products and services, support third-party institutions in carrying out professional technical services, and actively organize business training and other skill improvement activities.

In terms of the support and guarantee system, the first task is to strengthen comprehensive policy support. Improve support measures such as funds, taxation, and procurement, include efficient boiler products in the "Government Procurement Demand Standards for Green Buildings and Green Building Materials," and encourage relevant units to prioritize the use of efficient boiler technologies listed in the "Catalog of Green Technology Promotion." The second task is to use green financial tools reasonably. Support enterprises in implementing boiler energy-saving transformations, waste heat and waste pressure utilization, central heating substitution, and equipment technology upgrades. Strengthen the sharing of information on boiler renewal and transformation, guide financial institutions to provide accurate and effective support. The third task is to continuously improve the standard system. Accelerate the formulation and revision of relevant standards such as boiler energy efficiency, carbon emissions, and energy efficiency evaluation of special equipment, and strengthen the connection and mutual recognition with international standards. The fourth task is to strengthen the research and application of advanced and applicable technologies. Accelerate the key technology research and integrated innovation of energy-saving, carbon reduction, and pollution control of boilers, increase research funding and personnel input, and promote the construction of a collaborative innovation system for industry, academia, research, and application.

Question: How will the implementation of the "Action Plan" be promoted?

Answer: All regions, relevant departments, and industry enterprises should adhere to a systemic view, strengthen classified guidance, enhance the comprehensive management of the entire chain of boilers, vigorously promote the energy-saving, carbon reduction, and pollution control transformation of boilers, and promote the transformation and upgrading of boiler equipment towards "diversification of energy varieties, largescale of coal-fired boilers, condensation of gas boilers, electrification of small boilers, and parameterization of power plant boilers," continuously improving the green, low-carbon, and high-quality development level of boilers.

Strengthen organizational leadership. The National Development and Reform Commission, together with the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the National Energy Administration, and other departments, will strengthen overall coordination, improve policy measures, and jointly promote the implementation of this plan.

Strengthen supervision and management. Give full play to the role of the special equipment safety supervision and energy conservation regulatory system, the energy conservation inspection system, and the environmental protection regulatory system. Establish a joint supervision and law enforcement mechanism, strengthen supervision of boiler safety, energy conservation, and environmental protection. Gradually improve the mechanism for phasing out the production capacity of inefficient and high-emission boiler products and related incentive and restraint mechanisms.

Strengthen publicity and guidance. Incorporate the development of green and low-carbon boilers into the annual focus of energy conservation and low-carbon publicity, extensively carry out publicity activities, and continuously enhance the sense of responsibility for green and low-carbon development of enterprises. Increase the promotion of typical experiences and excellent cases in the boiler industry, and create a good atmosphere for the green, low-carbon, and high-quality development of boilers.

Source: National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)