NDRC and other five departments released: “Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Recycling of Decommissioned Wind Power and Photovoltaic Equipment”

Release Date:

On August 17, six departments including the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Recycling of Decommissioned Wind Power and Photovoltaic Equipment" (hereinafter referred to as "Guiding Opinions").

Release background: In recent years, my country's new energy industry has developed rapidly, and new energy equipment such as wind power and photovoltaics has been widely used, and its installed capacity ranks first in the world. With the acceleration of industrial upgrading and equipment replacement, new energy equipment will face the problem of batch decommissioning. In order to thoroughly implement the relevant deployment of the "Action Plan for Carbon Peaking Before 2030", accelerate the establishment of a waste recycling system, and promote the recycling of decommissioned wind power and photovoltaic equipment, the "Guiding Opinions" are put forward.

Main goals: By 2025, the responsibility mechanism for the disposal of decommissioned equipment in centralized wind farms and photovoltaic power stations will be basically established, the relevant standards and specifications for the recycling of decommissioned wind power and photovoltaic equipment will be further improved, and breakthroughs will be made in key technologies for resource recycling. By 2030, the full-process recycling technology system for wind power and photovoltaic equipment will be basically mature, the resource recycling model will be more complete, the resource recycling capacity will be effectively matched with the decommissioning scale, the standards will be more complete, and the resource recycling level of the wind power and photovoltaic industries will be significantly improved. Form a batch of decommissioned wind power and photovoltaic equipment recycling industry clusters.

Key tasks: 1) Vigorously promote green design; 2) Establish and improve the responsibility mechanism for decommissioned equipment; 3) Improve the equipment recycling system; 4) Strengthen resource recycling capabilities; 5) Promote equipment remanufacturing steadily; Hazardous disposal.

Safeguard measures: 1) Increase technology research and development efforts; 2) Strengthen financial and policy support. 3) Improve the standard system; 4) Cultivate key regions and enterprises. Among them, in terms of strengthening financial and policy support, it not only proposes to use the existing funding channels for investment in the central budget, strengthen support for recycling projects for decommissioned wind power and photovoltaic equipment, and implement relevant preferential tax policies such as energy conservation and water conservation in accordance with the law. Local governments formulate special support policies for the recycling industry of decommissioned wind power and photovoltaic equipment.

Original link URL :https://www.ndrc.gov.cn/xxgk/zcfb/tz/202308/t20230817_1359879.html?from=qcc