The Investment Promotion Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce is hosting the Green China New Energy Industry Local Cooperation Exchange Conference, Carbon Newture is invited to discuss the green and low-carbon industry, promoting high-quality transformation in industrial parks

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On May 30th, the Green China New Energy and New Materials Industry Local Cooperation Exchange Conference, jointly hosted by the Investment Promotion Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce and the Management Committee of Shijiazhuang Economic and Technological Development Zone, was inaugurated at the Asia-Pacific Hotel. Top executives representing well-known companies in the field of green energy and investment from both domestic and international sectors gathered together to seek collaboration for the green transformation and upgrade of industrial parks, and to discuss the high-quality development of the green and low-carbon industry.

Vice Director Li Yong of the Investment Promotion Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce delivers a speech

Vice Director Li Yong of the Investment Promotion Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, Director Bao Ning of the Agricultural and Energy Industries Department of the Investment Promotion Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, and Wang Jinshan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee, Director of the Management Committee, and Secretary of the Gaocheng District Committee of Shijiazhuang Economic and Technological Development Zone attended the event and delivered speeches.

Vice Director Li Yong stated that as the implementing agency of two-way investment policies, the Investment Promotion Bureau actively builds cross-border cooperation platforms for green and low-carbon industries, providing support and services for Chinese and foreign companies to invest and develop in China, and injecting resources and momentum into the green transformation and upgrade of local traditional industries and the innovative development of industries.

Experts and professors from Southeast University, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, representatives from the Australian Trade and Investment Commission, the Environment Working Group of the China-EU Chamber of Commerce, relevant officials from Shijiazhuang Economic and Technological Development Zone, as well as representatives from more than 40 well-known domestic and foreign companies, including Air Products Company, Air Liquide Company from France, Siemens Digital Industries Group, Schneider Electric Company, and Shanghai Carbon Newture Technology Co., Ltd., attended the meeting.

This cooperation and exchange conference is a concrete measure to implement the important instructions put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection in Hebei, which emphasized the achievement of new breakthroughs in promoting comprehensive green transformation. It is an active exploration in striving to implement the national "dual carbon" strategy and a practical action to fully implement the decisions and arrangements made at the 4th Plenary Session of the 10th Provincial Party Committee.

The aim is to use the Shijiazhuang Economic and Technological Development Zone as a link, establish a platform for communication, cooperation, and connection, accelerate the integration of industry and capital, and vigorously build a green economic growth pole. This will realize the green, low-carbon, and circular development of the economic development zone, and subsequently drive the high-quality development of the new energy and new materials industry in the entire city. It will contribute more to the construction of a modern, international, and beautiful provincial capital.

During the meeting, Feng Yan, Vice President of the Chinese division of a Fortune Global 500 company, Air Products, and Gao Weiqiao, Deputy General Manager of Huayou Cobalt, a top 500 new economy enterprise in China, delivered keynote speeches. Huang Yanxiang, CEO of Carbon Newture, also gave a speech and exchanged views on topics such as "New Opportunities for the Transformation of the New Materials Industry in the Context of Carbon Neutrality" and "Promoting Green Development in the Industrial Park through Smart Energy Investment and Cooperation."

Carbon Newture CEO Huang Yanxiang

Huang Yanxiang stated that in the context of dual carbon goals, enterprises face both opportunities and challenges in their low-carbon transformation. In 2021, the Ministry of Commerce issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for High-Quality Development of Foreign Trade," which clearly stated the need to create a favorable policy environment for the development of green trade and establish a policy system to promote green trade.

According to Huang Yanxiang, in the process of promoting green trade, Carbon Newture has collaborated with national-level economic development zones to assist the zones and their enterprises in achieving dual carbon transformation through digitalization and low-carbon solutions. They have also helped some national-level economic development zones transition from traditional investment attraction models to green investment selection models, promoting the development of green, low-carbon, and smart industries.

Huang Yanxiang further pointed out that many enterprises are currently facing challenges such as the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and compliance with overseas regulations for Chinese companies' exports. In order to address the pain points of PV, energy storage, transformers, and other enterprises in the export process, Carbon Newture, together with the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, launched the "China Machinery and Electric Industry 'Dual Carbon' Information Disclosure Platform" at the 2023 International Industrial Cooperation Conference held in Singapore. The platform aims to provide high-quality services in promoting the green and low-carbon emission reduction effectiveness of enterprises, addressing international carbon-related trade barriers, and managing and certifying corporate carbon emissions. This initiative aims to support enterprises in their green and low-carbon transformation.

The responsible officials from the Shijiazhuang Economic and Technological Development Zone summarized that the zone has always adhered to the concept of green development and actively promoted the application and popularization of green, energy-saving, and environmental protection technologies. With the transformation of "industrial structure, energy structure, and economic structure" as the main focus, the zone is exploring the creation of zero-carbon and low-carbon industrial parks and promoting the development of new energy and new materials clusters. They hope that this event will serve as an opportunity to further expand cooperation areas, innovate collaboration models, and enhance cooperation outcomes with leading enterprises in the field of new energy and new materials from both domestic and international sources. Together, they aim to promote the green and low-carbon transformation of the Shijiazhuang Economic and Technological Development Zone.