President Xi Jinping's latest deployment to Xinjiang: Actively develop photovoltaic and other industrial parks

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On August 26, after returning to China after attending the 15th BRICS Summit and paying a state visit to South Africa, Xi Jinping listened to the work reports of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee and government and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps in Urumqi.

After listening to the report, Xi Jinping delivered an important speech, affirming Xinjiang's achievements in various tasks, and emphasizing the establishment of a new development pattern, the promotion of high-quality development, and the promotion of Chinese-style modernization. Xinjiang faces new opportunities and must do something new. Based on its resource endowment, location advantages and industrial foundation, Xinjiang should consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and promote rural revitalization as an important starting point for development, increase economic development and improvement of people's livelihood, strengthen the construction of water conservancy facilities and optimize the allocation of water resources, Actively develop industrial parks such as modern agriculture and photovoltaics.