EU announces launch of countervailing investigation into Chinese electric vehicles

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As part of its emissions reduction plan, the European Union is preparing to impose restrictions on internal combustion engine vehicles from 2035 to promote the transition to new energy vehicles. Bloomberg said: “Chinese electric car manufacturers such as BYD and NIO are preparing to increase sales in Europe through a series of competitively priced electric models. If these models are successful, they will impact automakers such as Stellantis NV and Volkswagen AG. "

Dong Yifan, a scholar at the Institute of European Studies at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, told reporters that the EU is essentially based on anxiety about the competitiveness of China's electric vehicles. This is related to the photovoltaic dispute between China and the EU in 2013 and the steel and aluminum dispute in 2016. After the dispute, the EU stepped up efforts to The motivations for taking the "double-anti-dumping" measures are the same, and their fundamental purpose is to set restrictions on Chinese electric vehicles in the European market as much as possible.

This year, the EU launched an interim review of its state aid rules in response to massive subsidies from the United States and China, particularly in green technology. The German Automobile Industry Association expressed concern after announcing a countervailing investigation into Chinese electric vehicles. The association said the EU must take into account possible strong objections from China to such an investigation and policymakers should focus on creating conditions for European companies to succeed on their own turf - from lower electricity prices to less bureaucracy, Reuters reported . Germany's Handelsblatt said that companies such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen rely on the Chinese market, and German automakers are worried about a trade war and are therefore more cautious.

On the 13th, the EU-China Chamber of Commerce expressed high concern and opposition to the anti-subsidy investigation. According to a statement obtained by a reporter from the Global Times, the China Chamber of Commerce in the European Union stated that we urge the EU to view the development of China's electric vehicle industry objectively and not to use unilateral economic and trade tools at will to prevent or increase the development and operating costs of Chinese electric vehicle products in Europe. The opening of the European market should be reflected in concrete actions and should provide foreign companies with a fair, just and non-discriminatory business environment.