The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the "Work Plan for Steady Growth of the Machinery Industry (2023-2024)"

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Background:The machinery industry is a basic and strategic industry that provides technical equipment for national economic development, national defense and military construction, and people's livelihood. It is the "ballast stone" that stabilizes the industrial economy and an important engine that stimulates domestic demand and promotes internal circulation. At present, the international situation is complex and changeable, and the "triple neutrality" of domestic economic development still exists. The development of my country's machinery industry is facing a new situation, and the industry is under greater pressure to stabilize its growth.

Main target:

From 2023 to 2024, the operation of the machinery industry will maintain a stable and positive trend, the resilience and safety level of the supply chain of key industries will continue to improve, and the quality and efficiency of industrial development will continue to increase. The overall goals are: to strive for an average annual growth rate of more than 3% in operating income, reaching 8.1 trillion yuan by 2024; the scale of key industries has shown steady growth, new growth points are emerging, the competitiveness of enterprises has been further enhanced, and the supply capacity has been significantly improved; The construction of industrial clusters has been continuously promoted, and a number of competitive small and medium-sized enterprise clusters and about 10 industrial clusters with international competitiveness at the level of 100 billion yuan have been cultivated.

Work measures:

1. Continue to expand the effective demand, so as to stabilize and strengthen the industry's stable growth traction. Implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, take the improvement of effective demand as the guide, focus on expanding investment, promotional fees, and stabilizing exports, fully stimulate demand potential, and become a solid and strong engine that drives the industry's continued growth.

2. Promoting the Intelligence of Manufacturing Industry, and work hard to support the steady growth of the industry. Adhere to the main direction of intelligent manufacturing unswervingly, promote the intelligent transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry as the main line, and be guided by the application and promotion of new models and the construction of pilot areas, drive key technological breakthroughs and model innovations, fully release the demand for manufacturing equipment renewal and transformation, and do hard work To be the foundation for the steady growth of the machinery industry.

3. Improve the supply capacity in an all-round way, and make the driving force for the stable growth of the industry excellent and refined. Adhere to the deepening of supply-side structural reforms, focus on comprehensively improving supply capacity, strengthen the construction of industrial ecological systems, improve the resilience of industrial chain supply chains, lead and create effective demand with high-quality supply, and promote a virtuous cycle of supply and demand at a higher level.

4. Adhere to the precise implementation of policies by industry, and stimulate the vitality of stable growth in key industries. Strengthen precise policy implementation, focus on promoting the high-quality development of key sub-sectors as the main line, make overall plans to strengthen weak links, forge long plates, strengthen foundations, and cultivate emerging industries, so as to stimulate endogenous and sustainable growth momentum in key sub-sectors such as industrial mother machines.

Safety precautions:

1. Increase policy support. Support equipment manufacturing enterprises to carry out key core technology research and intelligent and green transformation. Give full play to the role of the national industry-finance cooperation platform, guide financial institutions to increase credit support, comprehensively use various financial tools, and improve the quality and efficiency of financial services.

2. Strengthen standard supply. Strengthen the formulation and revision of standards, improve the standard systems for industrial machines and medical equipment, and accelerate the development of key technologies for intelligent manufacturing and industry application standards. Promote the internationalization of machinery industry standards.

3. Strengthen monitoring and scheduling. Use information platforms such as "Digital Industry and Information Technology" to strengthen the monitoring of the economic operation of the equipment industry, conduct in-depth investigations and research, and coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems faced by industry enterprises in a timely manner.

4. Strengthen organization and implementation. Promote the establishment of central-local linkage and consultation and exchange mechanisms to coordinate and solve major problems. Encourage localities to base themselves on reality and introduce targeted policies for stabilizing growth in the region. Give full play to the service and supporting role of industry organizations, build an industry exchange and display platform, and strengthen the connection between supply and demand.

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