The Measures for the Administration of Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading (Trial) were reviewed and adopted in principle

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On September 15, Huang Runqiu, Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, presided over a ministry meeting to review and adopt in principle the "Management Measures for Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Management Measures"). Sun Jinlong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that the construction of a national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading market is a major institutional innovation that uses market mechanisms to reduce carbon emissions and increase sinks, and mobilizes the whole society to jointly participate in greenhouse gas emission reduction actions. It is an important measure to steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality. General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the construction of a voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading market, and delivered important speeches at the National Ecological Environmental Protection Conference and the China International Fair for Trade in Services Global Services Trade Summit, putting forward clear requirements for relevant work. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment must thoroughly study, understand and resolutely implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, seize the opportunity, take active actions, and continue to steadily and orderly promote the construction of the voluntary emission reduction trading market on the basis of previous work.

The meeting emphasized that the "Administrative Measures" are the overarching document that stipulates the basic framework of the voluntary emission reduction trading market and is of great significance for the launch and operation of the market. After the "Management Measures" are issued, we must actively carry out publicity and interpretation, strengthen guidance and training for local governments, and prepare for the launch of the national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading market. It is necessary to speed up the improvement of the voluntary emission reduction trading market system and promptly publish supporting management systems such as project design and implementation specifications, project approval and verification rules, registration and trading rules. It is necessary to properly release project methodologies, first select and release a batch of project methodologies with high social expectations, little technical controversy, guaranteed data quality, and both social and ecological benefits. After the market achieves a stable start and stable operation, gradually Expand the areas of support for the voluntary emission reduction market and strengthen market functions. It is necessary to accelerate the establishment of registration agencies and build and operate the registration system well.

Greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction trading is an important means to promote the control and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through market mechanisms and help achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. It is conducive to encouraging a wider range of industries and enterprises to participate in greenhouse gas emission reduction actions and supporting renewable energy The development of energy, forestry carbon sequestration, methane emission reduction, energy conservation and efficiency improvement projects that make important contributions to carbon reduction and increase sequestration.

After the launch of the national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading market, various social entities can develop greenhouse gas emission reduction projects with their own resources in accordance with the requirements of project methodology and other technical specifications. After the emission reduction effects of the projects are quantitatively verified by scientific methods, they can be traded in the market. Sell and obtain corresponding emission reduction contribution income.